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Telefeed Overview


This is a bot used forwarding messages from one/multiple groups to others. The way it does is by using your telegram account and when a message (you have configured) comes, it sees it and rewrites it to the channels you want. You can edit the way the message looks, filter it, delay and change words.


  • Forward from anything (be it public or private)
  • Highest performance from any bot available currently (up to 200 msg/min)
  • Can setup multiple SOURCES to one DESTINATION or one SOURCE to multiple DESTINATIONS
  • Can change messages format and remove/add defined words
  • Can filter messages (images, media, voice_notes etc)
  • Can translate messages from source to destination
  • Can delay messages up to defined amount
  • Can Clone all messages from SOURCE chat to DESTINATION chat
  • Can forward or rewrite into the DESTINATION chat