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In this documentation you will find every TeleFeed command and examples on how to use them. We suggest you read this documentation from the start so you can learn more about each feature TeleFeed supports. Every Example Command you see in this documentation is using dummy values so don't copy and paste it.

Commands Arguments Meaning

  • PhoneNumber: Used to specify which connected account you want to use the command on.
  • RedirectionID: Used to specify on which redirection setup you want to use.
  • Action: Used to specify what you want to do with the command. Supported actions are Add, Remove, Change and Clear.
  • Feature Some commands contain more than one feature inside. With this argument you need to specify which feature you want to use.
  • Amount Specify the amount in numbers for the given command. Commands such as /delay use this argument to specify seconds.
  • Source -> The destination chat you want to use the TeleFeed command with. Can be user, bot, channel, group or supergroup.
  • Destination -> The destination chat you want to use the TeleFeed command with. Can be user, bot, channel, group or supergroup.
  • Limit -> Clone command specific argument. Used to limit the number of message the clone commands processes.
  • Filter -> Chats command specific argument. You can use a filter to tell TeleFeed what type of chats to show.


This command is used for connecting telegram accounts with TeleFeed. You need to run this first before trying to run other commands since they rely on you having a number connected.


/connect phonenumber

Command Example

Connecting to TeleFeed with 2759205517

/connect 2759205517


  • Remember to always add your country prefix otherwise the connection might fail.
  • Whenever you enter a code on this command make sure you add aa in front such as the code 52234 becomes aa52234. Same thing for Two Factor Authentication


This command is used for setting up redirections for TeleFeed. This command should be run after you have already connected a telegram account with connect command.

Command Information

  • This commands needs input from the /chats
  • You can only use source and destination id's you find via /chats
  • RedirectionID is the nickname you want to give to your setup. Do not use numbers you get from /chats in this field or Telegram chat names. This variable is used to define a nickname so you can identify your setup later on every TeleFeed command.


/redirection action redirectionid on phonenumber /redirection phonenumber

Command Example

Setting up redirection with group1 on 2759205517

/redirection add group1 on 2759205517

Removing redirection with group1 on 2759205517

/redirection remove group1 on 2759205517

Changing redirection with group1 on 2759205517

/redirection change group1 on 2759205517

Showing all active redirections on 2759205517

/redirection 2759205517

After typing /redirection add group1 on 2759205517 you will be asked to enter id's of chat you want to use as SOURCE and DESTINATION. Please make sure to use the right syntax when input id's as shown below.

Input Syntax


Where SOURCE is the user, bot, channel or group you want to redirect messages from and DESTINATION is the user, bot, channel or group you want to redirect message into.

Input Syntax Example

Redirect messages from 708415014 to 642797040

708415014 - 642797040

Redirect messages from multiple sources to destination

53469647,708415014 - 20801978

Redirect messages from one source to multiple destinations

20801978 - 53469647,708415014

Syntax Limitations

  • ID's can only be numbers
  • You can only use - once
  • You should never repeat the same setup
  • ID's should be higher than 0 and lower than 2147483647
  • You should never use the same ID in both source and destination

Redirection Settings

This menu is used for controlling redirection setttings such as reply, edit, delete and more


To reach this first you will need to type /settings on TeleFeed, then click on 2759205517 to open settings menu for 2759205517 phone number. Now click on group1 so you can access the setup settings. Finally the Redirection Menu will show up and you can proceed by clicking on it

Options Explained

  • Process Reply: Turn this ON if you want to properly process replies
  • Process Edit: Turn this ON if you want to edit messages if they got edited in the SOURCE
  • Process Delete: Turn this ON if you want to remove messages if they got removed in the SOURCE
  • Process Me: Turn this ON if you want to redirect your own messages from SOURCE
  • Process Forward: Turn this ON if you want to FORWARD messages instead of writting them as user
  • Process Raw: Turn this ON if you want to post raw text messages.
  • Process Duplicates: Turn this OFF if you want to block duplicate messages from forwarding.
  • Delay Spread Mode: Turn this On if you want /delay to work based on last message sent. This will spread messages when they come at once instead of delaying them all together.


This menu is used to filter messages by type. Using it will tell TeleFeed which messages you want to process and which ones to ignore


To reach this first you will need to type /settings on TeleFeed, then click on 2759205517 to open settings menu for 2759205517 phone number. Now click on group1 so you can access the setup settings. Finally the Filters Menu will show up and you can proceed by clicking on it

Options Explained

  • Audio: Turn this ON if you want to ignore audio messages
  • Videos: Turn this ON if you want to ignore video messages
  • Voicenotes: Turn this ON if you want to ignore voicenotes messages
  • Animations: Turn this ON if you want to ignore message that contain animations (gif etc)
  • Photos: Turn this ON if you want to ignore photo messages
  • Stickers: Turn this ON if you want to ignore sticker messages
  • Document: Turn this ON if you want to ignore document messages
  • Text: Turn this ON if you want to ignore messages that contain text
  • Caption: Turn this ON if you want to ignore messages that contain captions
  • Forwards: Turn this ON if you want to ignore "Forwarded from" messages
  • Reply: Turn this ON if you want to ignore reply messages


You can choose to filter for multiple conditions at once by keeping them on


This menu is used to remove text, video, photo etc from messages if the conditions match. It's basically Filters but instead of ignoring or allowing messages, it removes the content it matches


To reach this first you will need to type /settings on TeleFeed, then click on 2759205517 to open settings menu for 2759205517 phone number. Now click on group1 so you can access the setup settings. Finally the Cleaner Menu will show up and you can proceed by clicking on it

Options Explained

  • Audio: Turn this ON if you want to remove audio from messages
  • Videos: Turn this ON if you want to remove video from messages
  • Voicenotes: Turn this ON if you want to remove voicenotes from messages
  • Animations: Turn this ON if you want to remove animations (gif, etc) from messages
  • Photos: Turn this ON if you want to remove photo from messages
  • Stickers: Turn this ON if you want to remove sticker from messages
  • Document: Turn this ON if you want to remove document from messages
  • Text: Turn this ON if you want to remove text from messages
  • Caption: Turn this ON if you want to remove caption from messages


You can choose multiple conditions at once by keeping them on


This command is used for setting up transformations for your redirections on TeleFeed. This command should be run after you have already connected a telegram account with /connect command and have one or more redirections active. With this command you can change messages format, remove words from messages or remove lines if keyword is in it.


/transformation action feature redirectionid on phonenumber

Command Example

Add (format|power|removeLines) on group1

/transformation add format group1 on 2759205517
/transformation add power group1 on 2759205517
/transformation add removeLines group1 on 2759205517

Remove (format|power|removeLines) on group1

/transformation remove format group1 on 2759205517
/transformation remove power group1 on 2759205517
/transformation remove removeLines group1 on 2759205517

Show active transformations for grp1 on 2759205517

/transformation active grp1 on 2759205517

Show active transformations on 2759205517

/transformation active on 2759205517

Clear grp1 transformations on 2759205517

/transformation clear grp1 on 2759205517

Clear transformations on 2759205517

/transformation clear on 2759205517

Format Feature

This feature is used to change the output format for the message. Basically you can add text on the message and have it output like that (for example a header or footer etc)


  • To change format you can just run the same command again.

Command Example

Add format for group1 on 2759205517

/transformation add format group1 on 2759205517

Remove format for group1 on 2759205517

/transformation remove format group1 on 2759205517

After typing the command you will be asked to enter how you want to message to output as. Below we are previewing one example of this command.

Before Feature

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.

After Feature

Header Inserted By TeleFeed
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.
Footer Inserted By TeleFeed

Above Transformation Example

Inserted Header from Telefeed [[Message.Text]] Inserted Footer from Telefeed

TeleFeed will look at this and replace "[[Message.Text]]" with the actual message and add top and bottom text which will output the example above.

Keywords Supported

  • [[PROCESS_EMPTY]] => Normally format will ignore empty messages (media etc). If you add this variable then it will start formatting empty messages. This can be used for adding USERNAME, GROUP_NAME on MEDIA

  • [[Message.Text]] => The source message text content

  • [[Message.Group]] => The source message group name

  • [[Message.Username]] => The user Username that sent the message

  • [[Message.First_Name]] => The user First Name that sent the message
  • [[Message.Last_Name]] => The user Last Name that sent the message

  • [[Message.File.Filename]] => The source message file filename

  • [[Message.File.File_Size]] => The source message file filesize
  • [[Message.File.File_Ext]] => The source message file file extension

Remove Lines Feature

This feature is used to remove lines from the message. You will use keywords to check message lines and if a keyword or one of the keywords (if multiple) is found on the line, TeleFeed will remove that line from the final result.

Command Example

Add removeLines for group1 on 2759205517

/transformation add removeLines group1 on 2759205517

Remove removeLines for group1 on 2759205517

/transformation remove removeLines group1 on 2759205517

After typing the command you will be asked to enter which keywords you want to look for in the message. You can enter multiple lines so the bot looks for multiple keywords etc.

Input Syntax Example

good, bad apple

The setup we made above will look on every message if a line has the keyword apple (only) or if a line has the keywords good and bad (both) and remove it.


This command is not used for removing keywords from the message, what it does is remove the whole line if it contains the keyword. For removing just the keyword you will need to use the next feature called Power

Power Feature

This is one of the most powerful feature this bot has. It is used to remove and change keywords from the message. You can use regex with this feature

Command Example

Add power for group1 on 2759205517

/transformation add power group1 on 2759205517

Remove power for group1 on 2759205517

/transformation remove power group1 on 2759205517

Input Syntax Example ( Simple )

Use the syntax as shown below when you want to replace words or full paragraphs.

Change red to blue


Change 22 to 40


Change 2+1=3 to 2+2=4 ( text only, not math )


Remove keyword red from the message


Change paragraph I do not like this text to This is better

"I do not like this text","This is better"

Input Syntax Example ( Advanced )

Use the syntax as shown below when you want to achive result that is not possible with the simple syntax. This syntax uses regex to replace words and keywords and you can do everything you want with the message if you know regex.

We do not support usage of regex, you are on your own if you decide to use regex. Only use it if you know what you are doing.

Change or to


Use regex to match gray or grey and change it to red


Unshort urls, match tag (query) and change it to client1


Match every url or @mention and change it to @tg_feedbot


Multiple rules

To apply multiple transformation rules at once you just need to place them in a newline


After inputing the syntax above, TeleFeed will ask you for some text or forwarded message so it can run Power Transformation and show you the result.


  • To use regex effectivity, test your regex on
  • Make sure to use the Python Flavor otherwise your regex will not work on TeleFeed
  • Make sure there regex flags global, multiline and single line are enabled when you build your regex via otherwise it will not work with TeleFeed
  • This feature supports Telegram Styling including Bold, Italic, Link etc


You can set a list of words or regex patterns that tell the bot to process message you receive from source channel only if it has at least one of the whitelisted word or regex pattern match. When you use this command for adding a whitelist, TeleFeed will ask you for your input syntax. Make sure to use the right syntax by reading the examples below.

Important Information

  • Using Simple Syntax will match words partially. This means that when you whitelist the word "es", it will allow every message containing best, rest, test because each of them have the word "es" within.
  • If you want to match words fully, please use the regex example we have provided on Advanced Syntax Panel
  • Make sure to use the Python Flavor with otherwise your regex will not work on TeleFeed


When this command is used incorrectly, it will cause redirections to stop working. Always make sure you use the right syntax when using whitelist and do use regex only if necessary. Make sure you build your regex with before inserting them into TeleFeed.


/whitelist action redirectionid on phonenumber /whitelist action on phonenumber

Command Example

Add whitelist for group1 on 2759205517

/whitelist add group1 on 2759205517

Remove whitelist for group1 on 2759205517

/whitelist remove group1 on 2759205517

Change whitelist for group1 on 2759205517

/whitelist change group1 on 2759205517

Show active whitelist on 2759205517

/whitelist active on 2759205517

Clear all whitelist on 2759205517

/whitelist clear on 2759205517

Input Syntax Example ( Simple )

Process messages only if it has the word bad in it


Process messages only if it has the word advertisment in it


Allowing multiple words is possible with newlines

"This is a match"

Input Syntax Example ( Advanced )

Use the syntax as shown below when you want to achive result that is not possible with the simple syntax. This syntax uses regex to search for words and its more powerful than Simple Syntax.

We do not support usage of regex, you are on your own if you decide to use regex. Only use it if you know what you are doing.

Process messages only if it has the any @mention word on it.


Process messages only if it has any "telegram links"


Process messages only if it has the word black or white


Process messages only if it has the word es fully ( refer to Important Information )



You can set a list of words or regex patterns which tells the bot that if the message received from source channel has any of the blacklisted words or regex pattern match the bot should ignore that message and do not process it even if it passes all other conditions. When you use this command for adding a blacklist, TeleFeed will ask you for your input syntax. Make sure to use the right syntax by reading the examples below.

Important Information

  • Using Simple Syntax will match words partially. This means that when you blacklist the word "es", it will block every message containing best, rest, test because each of them have the word "es" within.
  • If you want to match words fully, please use the regex example we have provided on Advanced Syntax Panel
  • Make sure to use the Python Flavor with otherwise your regex will not work on TeleFeed


When this command is used incorrectly, it will cause redirections to stop working. Always make sure you use the right syntax when using whitelist and do use regex only if necessary. Make sure you build your regex with before inserting them into TeleFeed.


/blacklist action redirectionid on phonenumber /blacklist action on phonenumber

Command Example

Add blacklist for group1 on 2759205517

/blacklist add group1 on 2759205517

Remove blacklist for group1 on 2759205517

/blacklist remove group1 on 2759205517

Change blacklist for group1 on 2759205517

/blacklist change group1 on 2759205517

Show active blacklist on 2759205517

/blacklist active on 2759205517

Clear all blacklist on 2759205517

/blacklist clear on 2759205517

Input Syntax Example ( Simple )

Block messages only if it has the word bad in it


Block messages only if it has the word advertisment in it


Blocking multiple words is possible with newlines

"This is a match"

Input Syntax Example ( Advanced )

Use the syntax as shown below when you want to achive result that is not possible with the simple syntax. This syntax uses regex to search for words and its more powerful than Simple Syntax.

We do not support usage of regex, you are on your own if you decide to use regex. Only use it if you know what you are doing.

Block messages only if it has the any @mention word on it.


Block messages only if it has any "telegram links"


Block messages only if it has the word black or white


Block messages only if it has the word es fully ( refer to Important Information )


Bot Settings

On this menu you will find settings such as Start, Stop, Performance Rate and more.

Options Explained

  • Start: Used to start TeleFeed
  • Stop: Used to stop TeleFeed
  • Disconnect Account: This removes your account from TeleFeed. When you use Disconnect Account, TeleFeed will not login into your account unless you use /connect again
  • Configuration Backups: TeleFeed stores configuration backups every 4 hours. This menu will allow you to restore your configuration.
  • Improve Performance: This option increases TeleFeed Performance. The reason this option is OFF by default is because using it will cause TeleFeed to forward messages out of order. If you do not care about message order, turning this setting ON will increase performance by a big margin
  • Burst Mode: This option controls message rate for TeleFeed. Message rate means the number of messages TeleFeed can send at once. If this option is set to HIGH (default) then TeleFeed will use its max rate for sending messages. Sometimes this might cause Telegram Account Limited Error which is why we offer a way to lower this rate.
  • No downtime Reconnect: Sometimes Telefeed might fail to send messages because of telegram server issues. This roughly happens 2-5 times a year. When this feature is on, in case telegram has server issues and telefeed loses connection. TeleFeed by default reconnects automatically but it does not process old missed messages. With this feature on it will start processing such messages.
  • Notifications: This menu allows you to choose if you want TeleFeed to send you notifications.


Telegram Account Limited Error is an error which happens when an account sends many messages at once. This does not cause any permanent issues with the account. When this error happens TeleFeed will not send any more messages via the account. This is because Telegram gives an Temporary Wait Limit so TeleFeed will need to for that to expire before it sends another message.


This command can be used to bypass bots which hide messages or get content from Telegram official GmailBot. Right now this command can bypass both alert & text rewrite modes

Important Information

  • This command works in case sensitive mode so if you write click me and the button title is Click Me, TeleFeed will not click it.

  • This command will match buttons title partially. This means that you can use an input like Read More to match the button title ▼ Read More


/action action redirectionid on phonenumber

Command Example

Add Action group1 on 2759205517

/action add group1 on 2759205517

Remove Action from group1 on 2759205517

/action remove group1 on 2759205517

Remove all Actions from group1 on 2759205517

/action clear group1 on 2759205517

Input Syntax Example

Input the name of the button that you want TeleFeed to click one. The title should be case sensitive.

Read more

After inputing the syntax above, TeleFeed will check every message and if a button matches the keyword "Read more" fully or partially, it will click that button and get the resulting message.


This command is used for setting up translation for your redirection groups.


SRC: The language code you want to translate from DEST: The language code you want to translate into

Refer to Language Code panel for supported languages code


/translate SRC DEST redirectionid on phonenumber /translate remove redirectionid on phonenumber

Command Example

Translate from English to Italian for group1 on 2759205517

/translate en it group1 on 2759205517

Remove translate setup for group1 on 2759205517

/translate remove group1 on 2759205517

Supported Language Code

  • auto => Auto Detect Language,
  • af => afrikaans,
  • sq => albanian,
  • am => amharic,
  • ar => arabic,
  • hy => armenian,
  • az => azerbaijani,
  • eu => basque,
  • be => belarusian,
  • bn => bengali,
  • bs => bosnian,
  • bg => bulgarian,
  • ca => catalan,
  • ceb => cebuano,
  • ny => chichewa,
  • zh-cn => chinese (simplified),
  • zh-tw => chinese (traditional),
  • co => corsican,
  • hr => croatian,
  • cs => czech,
  • da => danish,
  • nl => dutch,
  • en => english,
  • eo => esperanto,
  • et => estonian,
  • tl => filipino,
  • fi => finnish,
  • fr => french,
  • fy => frisian,
  • gl => galician,
  • ka => georgian,
  • de => german,
  • el => greek,
  • gu => gujarati,
  • ht => haitian creole,
  • ha => hausa,
  • haw => hawaiian,
  • iw => hebrew,
  • hi => hindi,
  • hmn => hmong,
  • hu => hungarian,
  • is => icelandic,
  • ig => igbo,
  • id => indonesian,
  • ga => irish,
  • it => italian,
  • ja => japanese,
  • jw => javanese,
  • kn => kannada,
  • kk => kazakh,
  • km => khmer,
  • ko => korean,
  • ku => kurdish (kurmanji),
  • ky => kyrgyz,
  • lo => lao,
  • la => latin,
  • lv => latvian,
  • lt => lithuanian,
  • lb => luxembourgish,
  • mk => macedonian,
  • mg => malagasy,
  • ms => malay,
  • ml => malayalam,
  • mt => maltese,
  • mi => maori,
  • mr => marathi,
  • mn => mongolian,
  • my => myanmar (burmese),
  • ne => nepali,
  • no => norwegian,
  • ps => pashto,
  • fa => persian,
  • pl => polish,
  • pt => portuguese,
  • pa => punjabi,
  • ro => romanian,
  • ru => russian,
  • sm => samoan,
  • gd => scots gaelic,
  • sr => serbian,
  • st => sesotho,
  • sn => shona,
  • sd => sindhi,
  • si => sinhala,
  • sk => slovak,
  • sl => slovenian,
  • so => somali,
  • es => spanish,
  • su => sundanese,
  • sw => swahili,
  • sv => swedish,
  • tg => tajik,
  • ta => tamil,
  • te => telugu,
  • th => thai,
  • tr => turkish,
  • uk => ukrainian,
  • ur => urdu,
  • uz => uzbek,
  • vi => vietnamese,
  • cy => welsh,
  • xh => xhosa,
  • yi => yiddish,
  • yo => yoruba,
  • zu => zulu,
  • fil => Filipino,
  • he => Hebrew


This command is used for cloning (mirror) chats/channels or users messages from SOURCE to DESTINATION

Important Information

  • If you have a redirection setup with the same ID's (SOURCE, DESTINATION) when using this command. It will use every feature you have currently configured on that setup.
  • When using this command with an current setup, that setup will not be able to send any new message until /clone finishes.
  • When using this command, the bot might delay message redirection for your setups.


  • Because this commands sends a high amount of messages in a short time it will cause temporary limits from telegram servers. Basically when this happens you will not be able to send any message from this account for 5 minutes to 1 hour depending on the limit.

  • You will get a notification from the bot when such a limit is encountered (You will also notice yourself since you will not be able to send any message when that happens). There's no way around this other than not using this command.

Command Example

Clone from 2759205517 to 28887387 on 2759205517

/clone 2759205517 28887387 on 2759205517

Clone from 2759205517 to 28887387 with LIMIT=200 on 2759205517

/clone 2759205517 28887387 200 on 2759205517


The /global command can be used to apply globally one specific configuration. This command works only for the features shown below.

Supported Features

  • Transformation
  • Translate
  • Watermark
  • Action
  • Whitelist & Blacklist
  • Filters & Cleaners


/global action redirectionid on phonenumber

Command Example

Make group1 configuration global on 2759205517

/global add group1 on 2759205517

Remove group1 configuration from global on 2759205517

/global remove group1 on 2759205517


You can define start and stop time for each of your redirection setup using this command.


/scheduler action redirectionid on phonenumber

Command Example

Add schdule for group1 on 2759205517

/scheduler add group1 on 2759205517

Remove schdule for group1 on 2759205517

/scheduler remove group1 on 2759205517

Clear all schedules for 2759205517

/scheduler clear on 2759205517

After running the above commands you will be asked to input the time that you want TeleFeed to turn on and off your setups. Here are a few example syntax on how to do this.

Input Syntax Example

Start at 12:30 and Stop at 2:30

12:30 - 2:30

Start at 09:00 and Stop at 21:00

9:00 - 21:00

In this case, TeleFeed will turn on group1 at 12:30 and turn off at 2:30


This command allows you to forward messages filtered by users ID's or User Type. You can allow only admins or you can exclude admins.

Important Syntax Information

  • By default, selectusers uses Whitelist as filtering method and All for user selection.
  • You can change Filtering Method by specifying keywords such as Whitelist, Blacklist.
  • You can change Selection Method by specifying keywords such as BOTS, ADMINS.


/selectusers action redirectionid on phonenumber

Command Example

Add for group1 on 2759205517

/selectusers add group1 on 2759205517

Remove for group1 on 2759205517

/selectusers remove group1 on 2759205517

Remove everything on 2759205517

/selectusers clear on 2759205517

After running /selectusers add group1 on 2759205517, you will be asked for input. Check the syntax examples below to understand how you can use this feature.

Input Syntax Example

Allow By Id's Example

125412124, 124124124, 123124124, 12312312

Block By Id's Example

125412124, 124124124, 123124124, 12312312

Allow Admins By ID's Example

125412124, 124124124, 123124124, 12312312

Block Admins By ID's Example

125412124, 124124124, 123124124, 12312312

Allow Bots By ID's Example

125412124, 124124124, 123124124, 12312312

Block Bots By ID's Example

125412124, 124124124, 123124124, 12312312

Allow Only Admins Example


Block All Admins Example


Allow Only Bots Example


Block All Bots Example


Now every time you receive a message on group1 SOURCE, TeleFeed will check if the user who sent the message is allowed based on your input. If so it will process the message otherwise it will ignore it.


This command is used for configuring bitly access for TeleFeed


/bitly key

Command Example

Setting bitly api with 43nafkiynmy7pn7lkqgiuwn6krquwisvjsdbgf

/bitly 43nafkiynmy7pn7lkqgiuwn6krquwisvjsdbgf


You can use this command to add a watermark to every media that TeleFeed forwards.


  • This command can cause redirection to run slower because TeleFeed will need to generate the watermark before it sends the message


/watermark action redirectionid on phonenumber

Command Example

Add Watermark group1 on 2759205517

/watermark add group1 on 2759205517

Remove Watermark group1 on 2759205517

/watermark remove group1 on 2759205517

Remove all watermarks from 2759205517

/watermark clear on 2759205517


This command is used to exchange plans between phone numbers. You can use this to move your paid plan from one number to another.


  • This command has a fee of 1 day for each usage. This means that when you move a 31 Days Pro Plan from 27505517, you will get 30 Days of Pro Plan on 32529517
  • The source number needs to be connected with your account for planswap to work.
  • The destination number needs to be in Free Plan for planswap to work.



Command Example

Exchange Plan from 27505517 to 32529517

/planswap 27505517 32529517


This command is used for setting up delays for your redirections. When delay is active, TeleFeed will schedule messages and send them later. This command can be run in two modes. Delay mode and spread mode. You can turn Spread Mode On via the instructions below.

  • Delay Mode This mode is used by default. On this mode, TeleFeed will delay messages exactly the time they are received + delayed amount. This means that if the source sends 100 messages at once, with a 10 second delay set TeleFeed will send 100 messages after 10 seconds.
  • Spread Mode In this mode, TeleFeed will spread messages evenly. This means that if the source sends 100 messages and you have a delay of 10 seconds set. TeleFeed will delay each message 10 second from the last one.

Turn On Spread Mode

You can turn on spread mode by going to /settings > Phone > Redirection > Delay Spread Mode On


/delay amount redirectionid on phonenumber
/delay amount on phonenumber

Command Example

Delay group1 by 120 seconds on 2759205517

/delay 120 group1 on 2759205517

Delay all redirections by 120 seconds on 2759205517

/delay 120 on 2759205517

Remove delay for group1 on 2759205517

/delay 0 group1 on 2759205517

Remove global delay on 2759205517

/delay 0 on 2759205517


This command is used to get a list of groups, bots, channels or users ID's for use /redirection command.


/chats phonenumber
/chats filter phonenumber

Command Example

Get all chats from 2759205517

/chats 2759205517

Get user chats from 2759205517

/chats user 2759205517

Get bot chats from 2759205517

/chats bot 2759205517

Get group chats from 2759205517

/chats groups 2759205517

Get channel chats from 2759205517

/chats channel 2759205517


This command is used to get a message with your active configuration. You can use it for when you don't know what redirections, filters, cleaners etc you have active.




This command is used to clear your active configuration. Everything including /redirection setups will be removed. TeleFeed will still keep your number connected so you can configure it again.


/clear phonenumber


This command will show you a menu which you can access Bot Settings, Redirection Settings, Filters Menu and Cleaners Menu